Claytor Lake - 6620 Ben H Bolen Dr, Dublin, VA 24084, USA
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19 Rental Vessels
Claytor Lake
10 Rental Vessels
6620 Ben H Bolen Dr, Dublin, VA 24084, USA
Boat Rentals at Claytor Lake State Park. We are open on weekends April through October, and Weekdays Memorial Day thru Labor Day.
Boat Rules
Watersports allowed: No
Pets allowed: No
Alcohol Regulations: No
If they cancel between 7 and 14 days before check-in, they'll get back 50%.
Renters who cancel at least 14 days before check-in will get back 100% of the amount they've paid. If they cancel between 7 and 14 days before check-in, they'll get back 50%.
Note : No shows and cancellations occuring after the scheduled start time will result in an additional 30% charge to your credit card (50% fee when coupled with the deposit).
Cancellations occuring within 24 hours of the scheduled start time will result in a loss of your 20% deposit.
Cancellations occuring within 5 days of the scheduled start time will result in a 10% fee. The remainder of your deposit will be available for a future rental.
Cancellations occuring outside the 5 day window may be reused at a later date. If you need to cancel please do so by responding to the confirmation email you were sent.
Pets allowed : No
Pets allowed : No
Note : Please do not call prior to day of rental to discuss weather as it changes constantly. If you are concerned, it is advisable to check the radar over Claytor Lake prior to making the drive. If at the time of your rental (poor forecasts not considered) the weather is such that the average boater would not go out, we will not charge a fee. Please note that cool, overcast days, light rain, or spotty forecasts are not sufficient reason to cancel without being charged. PLEASE DO NOT RESERVE IF THIS IS AN ISSUE.
List of life vest inventory :
List of life vest inventory :
XL : 2
Medium : 5
Child : 1
Included in price
Included in price